
17/02/2013 Viene pubblicato l'elenco delle moto di interesse storico FMI. Sono presenti tutte le moto con motore BI4 Gilera

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Gilera Bi4 Nordwest 3d scanning/modelling

Aperto da Duranti, 13 Giugno 2018, 19:14:10

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Hello friends,

Sorry for the long time between every update, things have been stressful after christmas, and I have had to get a second job (full time) to keep things going, which has lead to not much time left in the evenings to do what I love; to fuel my motorcycle interest!

Sadly I do not have any update on the engine, but I have spent a few hours in the evening this week and put together a Gilera speed cruiser concept that I have been wanting to do for a while! The concept is just in the beginning, but it's starting to look like something that could become an interesting bike, I hope you guys enjoy it!  :moto

This weekend I will try to put together a display like the one described by bigbore, I will post some pictures as soon as I have something, thank you all for your patience!  :beer:


ohhhhh!.... Trond!

Nice to hear you again.... we where..... greatly worried you may have been alien abducted (to keep you from going ahead with that model, 'couse planet heart is non ready yet) or kidnapped by some asiatics wanting you to make copies at industrial rate of that wonderful 1/3 model
"Ecci alcuni che altro che transito di cibo e aumentatori di sterco chiamar si debbono, perché per loro alcuna virtù in opere si mette; perché di loro altro che pieni e destri non resta".


Hahaha, dear bigbore, I am still alive and kicking, and I will for sure complete the 1/3 scale model, and I will for sure make a small series (this will be made only in my home, not in Asia, not ever!).  :beer:

I am back to designing industrial equipment in my new job, but I spend as much time as possible in my free time to focus on the fun (and important) stuff, such as completing the 1/3 Bi4 engine, putting together my GB1 replica, and doing concepts such as the one above.  :moto

Btw, I have done some more investigating regarding your suggestion bigbore, and it will be the best solution for the Bi4 display, there will also be a LED light to light up the acrylic tube, I can't wait to get it designed and built!  :clap:


Trond?.... where are youuuuuu.....

did CIA get you?
Are you in guantanamo prison or some US black site?

No! I know.... you're hiding from piaggio's MIBs
"Ecci alcuni che altro che transito di cibo e aumentatori di sterco chiamar si debbono, perché per loro alcuna virtù in opere si mette; perché di loro altro che pieni e destri non resta".


I was asking myself the same thing....... :fuma: . Trond, we need some new, come oooooooooon :ballo:
Perché sono qui? Gilera KZ 125